Coma Science Group
Postdoctoral Researcher
Nicolas Lejeune
PhD in Medical Sciences, “Assessment of pain perception in patients with disorders of consciousness: a behavioral and neurophysiological bedside approach”, UCLouvain and ULiège, Belgium. Public defense in september 2020.
Interuniversity European Certification in palliative care medicine, UCLouvain, Belgium and FUPL, France. Graduated November 2018.
Board Certified Neurologist, UCLouvain, Belgium. Graduated June 2015.
Medical Doctor (MD), UCLouvain, Belgium. Graduated June 2010.
Bachelor’s in medicine, UMons, Belgium. Graduated June 2006.
As a neurorehabilitation clinician, Nicolas is head of a care unit for patients with disorders of consciousness (DoC). His main research project aims to develop non-invasive methods, such as neurophysiological recordings, to assess the ability of these patients to perceive pain. These investigations offer a novel approach to study the relationship between pain perception and consciousness. His research projects are conducted in collaboration with Prof. André Mouraux (Institute of NeuroScience, UCLouvain, Belgium).
His other research works focus on (1) therapeutic interventions, (2) ethics and (3) epilepsy management in patients with DoC.